> Entitlement Settings is a leave configuration based on job classification, leave type and years of service in the company.
> Using the Leave Entitlement Settings, configuration can be done in OfficeCentral system to automatically calculate number of leave based on the staff classification and information. This can save your time to calculate number of leaves for each staff based on their information such as reporting date and also job classification.
> Go to “Leave”, under “Entitlement Settings”, click "View List".
> Then you can see the following screen:
> To add new leave entitlements, click "ADD".
> Now you can see the following screen:
> Put all information such as leave type and job classificaton.
> Please be informed that the Start Year and End Year is based on the employee’s service year to the company which is calculated from the date joined.
> Once done, click "Save".
> To add many leave entitlements, click “Leave”, under “Entitlement Settings”, click "Bulk Add".
> Then you can see the following screen as shown below:
> Once this screen has appeared, you can select leave types and job classifcations.
> State the year of start service and year of end service
> To add more, click button add like above.
> After finished, click "Save".