This is the steps to follow:
1. Payroll -> Payroll Groups -> View List -> Edit (Action)
2. Scroll to bottom page, there will be Payroll Groups Overtime Information. In this page, you can fill in the overtime information.
A | Key in the overtime hourly rate for work done after working hours. For example, if the overtime rate if RM10 per hour, key in RM10 in the box. |
B | Key in the overtime hourly rate for work done on rest day such as Sunday. For example, if the overtime rate if RM10 per hour, key in RM10 in the box. |
C | Key in the overtime hourly rate for work done on public holiday such ad Merdeka Day Holiday on 31 August 2015. For example, if the overtime rate if RM10 per hour, key in RM10 in the box. |
D | Key in the overtime daily rate for work done after working hours. For example, if the overtime rate if RM10 per day, key in RM10 in the box. |
E | Key in the overtime daily rate for work done on rest day such as Sunday. For example, if the overtime rate if RM10 per day, key in RM10 in the box. |
F | Key in the overtime daily rate for work done on public holiday such ad Merdeka Day Holiday on 31 August 2015. For example, if the overtime rate if RM10 per day, key in RM10 in the box. |
3. Click "Save".