To import pricebook, please follow the steps below:

1. Click on Pricebook>Pricebook>Import

2. Please complete all price records of your products and services using the format and follow the format provided. Download the excel format example.


3. Here is a guide to filling out the excel;

Category Name Fill products and services into categories.
Product Code Enter the code for each item. Make sure the code is different for each item or product.
Product Name Name of Product or Service offered.  
Product Description Complete description of the product as in the product catalog.
Barcode Enter a barcode if the item has a barcode.
UnitA unit is a call for 1 unit of the goods (Examples: kilograms, strands, units, pairs, etc.)
Cost Price per UnitEnter the starting cost for 1 unit (if any) in the decimal point.
Price per Unit Fill the selling price for 1 unit. The price will be displayed in all Modules in the decimal point.
Commission Percentage Please enter 0.00
is Available Use number "1" if it is on your sales list, if it is not already listed in sales / not sold, put the number "0".
is UnlimitedIf the sales product is goods, put the number "1". If the product is service, please put the number "0".
Stock Balance Fill the remaining stock for the "limited stock" that is currently in storage.
Supply Tax CodeEnter the Sales GST Tax code (Example: SR)
Purchase Tax Code Enter the Purchase GST Tax code (Example: TX)

* Make sure all columns are filled with the appropriate information or code. Otherwise, your excel cannot be uploaded to the system.

4. Upload your excel file by clicking choose file button like the picture below:





5. Next, click import button at the above right side.


6. By clicking import button you will see the page as picture below: Please follow exactly as the picture.

7. Then click import button at the above right side.