
> To setup your approvers, go to the button “Approver” where you can setup the approver for all your staffs.

> Go to "Configuration", click "Approver"

> After that, you will see the following screen as below:

> When you click on “Set Staff Approver”, you can choose which staff that will be the approver for the selected staff for leave approval and courses application approval. 

You will reach to the following screen:

> Let's see how to add approver for leave approvers firstly.

> Click "Add Approver" as shown below:

> Then you will see this following screen as shown below:

> You can put in the number of the approval level here. If the approver is the first approver to approve in a series of approver, put the approval level as 1.

> You can have multiple approvers on one level (you need to add each approvers separately but use the same number as the level) or you can have multiple levels of approval.

> After finish fill up, click "Save" at the up right.

> Now let's go to see how to add approvers for course approvers.

> Click "Add Approver" as shown below:

 > Then you will see this following screen as shown below:

> It is also similar with how to add leave approvers, just state the approver level, which one to be approver and staff that you want to be approved.

> After finish, click "Save".

> The approver for leave and course will shown as below: