To setup HS code/ Service Code, please follow the guide below:
First, please go to Global Configuration > Settings > HS Code > click Add New.
After click Add New, you will see the following page:
No. | Description |
1. | To adding Service/Tariff Code, we can refer list of Type of Taxable Service or JKDM HS Explorer |
2. | For service/goods name of your company provided. E.g. Book/ Accommodation |
3. | User can refer HS Code or tax service/taxable goods by clicking (?) icon on the page. |
4. | Select Service/ Goods Group of item. Group A to I is for Services, and Taxable Goods for goods only. User can refer list type of Taxable Service or JKDM HS Explorer to classified your company Service/ Goods group. |
To adding Service/Tariff Code for Services, user can refer list of Type of Taxable Service at (?) as the picture above.
No | Description |
1. | Service Type Code to fill in Service/Tariff Code |
2. | Group to select on Service/Goods Group |
3. | Select which Taxable Service to fill in Service/Goods Name |
To adding Service/Tariff Code for Taxable goods, user can refer list of Type of Taxable Service at (?) as the picture above.
No. | Description |
1. | Select PDK 2017 for Tariff Type. PDK 2017 or Perintah Duti Kastam 2017 is a term that should be used in determining the types of goods offered in the business. |
2. | For column Search Criteria, select Item Description to describe the type of company goods |
3. | Insert the keyword item of company product or goods. E.g. books. |
4. | Click Search |
5. | Header column is the Service/Tariff Code for the item. |
Note: Add HS Code/Service Code that use by your company only. |