You can also add approver by using approver bulk create.
1. To setup approver by bulk, go to the button “Approver” then “Bulk Create” where you can setup the approver for all your staffs.
A | Select the level of Approver |
B | Choose their depatment in company |
C | Choose the Designation in company |
D | Choose their job classifications in company |
E | Choose who is the approver for this level. |
For the Approver level:
You can put in the number of the approval level here. If the approver is the first approver to approve in a series of approver, put the approval level as 1.
You can have multiple approvers on one level (you need to add each approver separately but use the same number as the level) or you can have multiple levels of approval.
The Difference between multiple approvers on one leave and multiple approval leavels:
- Multiple approvers on one level: Any of the approver approves/reject, the application will be considered as approved/rejected on that level.
- Multiple approval levels: All levels MUST be approved first before the application is considered as approved.