In order to manage budget for your business operation, you must set budget codes. The budget codes is a listing of all budget used in business operation of an organization.

1. To access this function, go to Budget and Click “Codes”.

After you click Codes, you will see the following page: 

2. Once you click any budget code, you will see the following page.



Here if you want to start create budget code for the first level. You can click “ADD HEADER” button to start create the first level budget code.


Click the budget code if you want to edit, add header or add detail under the selected budget code. 


Click here if you want to add header under the selected budget code.


Click here if you want to add detail under the selected budget code. (Budget type detail will be used during creating transaction, when recording budget amount used for the transaction).


Click here if you want to edit details of budget code.