In budget application, staff of your company can apply for budget for each of their department and you can set approval flow for this budget application. In order to record amount of budget used for each department, their budget application must be approved first. Make sure you have already set the approver for budget application at Configuration > Approver. To make budget application, please follow the guide below:
1. You may go to Budget, and click Applications.
After click Applications, you will see the following page.
A | Click here to start applying new budget application. |
B | Click here to make revision for budget application that has been made. This will overwrite the budget application that has been made once the revision is approved. |
C | Click here to view all of budget application and also budget revision. |
D | Click here to view budget application and budget revision waiting for approval. |
E | Click here if you want to view details of the new budget application or budget revision. |