You can make budget application revision even after previous budget application has been approved. This function is used to revise the budget in-year to reflect a known change in activity. Creating a revision for budget application that has been made will overwrite the budget amount allocated for the previous budget application. But do not worry, the transaction that has been associated with that budget code will still be recorded.
1. In order to make a budget revision, you can go to Applications and click “Revision”.
2. After you click Revision, you will see this page:
A | Choose the department for this budget revision. |
B | Choose the budget period for this budget revision. |
C | This is the type of budget application which is new or revision. |
D | Click “Next” to go to the next page. |
3. After you click “Next”, you will need to fill in the new revised budget amount. Only budget application that has been approved can be made budget revision. You will see this page:
4. Just fill in the new revised budget amount then you can click Save.