You may follow these steps to map:
1. Firstly, go to Accounting > Chart of Account:
And you will see the following page:
If you want to map “Investment Account”, make sure you click the related investment account that you have created in Chart of Account.
2. You will have to “Edit” this account to map it to “Investment Account” setting. You can do so by clicking the “Edit” button at the right side of the page:
3. You will reach the following page, and you have to tick the checkbox in order to map this account as “Investment Account”. You can find it at Current Assets > Bank Accounts > Investment Account”.
4. After you have mapped the account, the setting will change to Investment Account. This means it will be linked as choices to be chosen when creating Investment Account.
5. This is the page to create investment account. You can now choose this Account to be set as Investment Account:
6. There are other 2 accounts that need to be mapped which are Investment Profit and Invesment Accrued. You may follow the same steps from Step 1 until Step 4, the only difference is you need to map the accounts to different account setting.
7. If you want to map Investment Profit, at Step 3 you need to map to “Investment Profit/Gain”. You can find it at Revenues > Investment Profit/Gain. Tick the checkbox.
The account will be displayed as this:
8. If you want to map Investment Accrued, at Step 3 you need to map to “Investment Accrued”. You can find it at Current Assets > Debtors > Investment Accrued. Tick the checkbox.
The account will be displayed as this:
9. After you have mapped the accounts to the related investment settings, you can now choose the accounts for Investment Account, Investment Profit, and Investment Accrued.
Note: Make sure you have mapped all investment related accounts in Accounting’s COA before creating investment account. |