You will need to create investment account first before you do investment transactions. You may create investment account by going to Investment > Investment Account > Add New:

Once you clicked “Add New” you will see the following page:Description:


Fill in the bank name that you are creating investment account.


Fill in the branch name of the bank.


Select bank account that has been mapped as “Investment Account” in Accounting’s CoA.


Contact person name from the bank.


Contact person number from the bank.


Select account that will record investment profit value for this investment account. This account should already been mapped as “Investment Profit” in Accounting’s CoA.


Select account that will record investment accrued value for this investment account. This account should already been mapped as “Investment Accrued” in Accounting’s CoA.

After you have filled in the blanks, you may click “Save” at the top right corner.

When you have saved the investment account, you can now use the investment accounts to create investment transactions.

You will see this page if you go to Investment Account > View List: