1. To access this page, go to “CRM”, select “PRICEBOOKS” and click on “VIEW LIST”.

2. After you have clicked the button “VIEW LIST”. You will see this page.


Details Button

Click on “Details” link to view the Pricebook’s details.

Edit Button

Click on “Edit” link to edit the Pricebook’s deails.


Accounting Mapping view for selected pricebook:


Automap this pricebook for non-mapped accounts only.

Click here to automatically map the selected pricebook for accounts that are not mapped yet. This will not overwrite any mapping that has been done previously. 

The mapping will follow the Pricebook Category of the selected pricebook. If there is no mapping created for its Pricebook Category, no mapping will be created.

Remap this pricebook for all account (overwrite previous mapping)

Click here to automatically map the selected pricebook for all accounts. This will overwrite any mapping that has been done previously. 

The mapping will follow the Pricebook Category of the selected pricebook. If there is no mapping created for its Pricebook Category, no mapping will be created.