The first setup is set the base selections entities section. It allows you to set your item category such as Account Type, Lead Source and many more. For this automation, user only have to setup category for Account Type. To setup, please follow the steps as follow:

1. Go to CRM > Choose on “CONFIGURATIONS” section.

2. Then select “BASE SELECTION ENTITIES” and click on “VIEW LIST”.

3. When you select “VIEW LIST”, you will see all information as per the following picture.


Add Button

Click on this button “Add” to add new selection.

Edit Button

Click on this button “Edit” to edit the data.

Delete Button

Click on this button “Delete” to erase the data. However, please note that data can only be erased if it is yet to be used. Once used, it can’t be erased.

Accounting Mapping

This setting will show whether it mapping to accounting or not. This setting will show only for Account Type.


4. Next, when you click on “ADD base selection entities, you will go to the following page. This setting for new user who do not use CRM Module.


Base Selection Entities Name

Key in selection name. 


Choose type of selection. Information as follow:

Account Type: Type of account

Lead Source: Prospect source of information

Lead Status: Prospect status

Lead Type: Type of prospect

Potential Type: Type of Prospective/Potential/Opportunity

Potential Stage: Stage of Prospective/Potential/Opportunity

Task Status: Work status

Chart Of Account (Applicable for Account Type Only)

Please select chart of account (Debtors account) that you want to map in Accounting Module. This is only applicable for base selection entities Account Type only.

Here, only Chart of Accounts with Debtors account type (Header) will be listed.


How does it work?

When you finalize an invoice, the system will check whether the Chart of Account for the customer has been created or not. If not yet created/mapped, the system will automatically create new Chart of Account and auto-map with the CRM account.

Chart Of Account (Applicable for Account Type Only)

Please select chart of account (Creditors account) that you want to map in Accounting Module. This is only applicable for base selection entities Account Type only.

Here, only Chart of Accounts with Creditors account type (Header) will be listed.

How does it work?

When you finalize an invoice you received in Procurement, the system will check whether the Chart of Account for the supplier has been created or not. If not yet created/mapped, the system will automatically create new Chart of Account and auto-map with the account.

Save Button

Click on this button to save the information.