1. Click on “Advances”, and click on “Add New” link to add new application for advance.
Title | Description |
Staff | choose which staff that would like to make a advance |
Purpose of Advance | Put in the purpose in the advance information. |
Description | Put in the description of the advance here. |
Project | If this advance is associated with a project, choose the project here. Administrator can add new projects in Projects submodule. |
Movement/Travelling | If the advance is associated with a movement or travelling, choose the movement or travelling here. |
Add Item button | Click this button to add items to the advance. Here, you itemized the advance required such as amount required for traveling expenses, hotel, etc. |
3. Fill in the relevant information and click on “Save” button on the top right hand side of the page.
4. After that, the approver will receive an email notifications regarding the advance request. They can approve the advance by going to the Advance submodule and click on “Approve Advances” as follow:
5. Approver can approve any advance application from staff by going to “Approve Advances” (refer above picture) and click Approve or Reject. Once the advance has been approved at all level, the status will be updated to “Approved”.
6. If you wan to make it paid, go to details section.
7. Go to payment status and click paid.,
8 . Approve will appear at the status. section.