1. Firstly, go to the Quotations >> View List
Figure below shows list of quotation that has been save into the system that consist of several column which are quotation reference number, date issued, subject, customer name, amount, quotation expiry date, status and actions (view details, edit, finalize/unfinalize and delete).
There is several features that has been provided by the system which are:
1 | View Details | View quotation information in details. |
2 | Edit | User enable to edit their quotation informations if needed. (Note: User must ensure the quotation are not finalize yet). |
3 | Finalize/Unfinalized | To finalize/unfinalized the quotations |
4 | Delete | User enable to delete their existing quotation if needed. (Note: User must ensure the quotation are not finalize yet). |
5 | Status | There is two status of quotation which is pending and finalize. Pending status – Enable user view details, edit or delete the quotation and finalize the quotation in order to generate invoices.
Finalize status – Main function of this status was to enable user to generate invoices from the current quotation as reference. User also enable to view the details of the quotation and unfinalize the quotation before edit or delete it. |
6 | Search | User enable to find the specific quotations using this function. |
7 | Download | User be able to generate report with the preferred format such as in Excel, PDF or CSV. |
8 | Add Quotation | User enable to record new quotation for their customers. Figure below shows the quotation form and all the information needed to be record. |
9 | Generate Invoice | User enable to generate invoice from the current quotation without need to fill in the same information twice. |