If the mosque has a lot of collection fund, how to record them in the system?
Answer : Users can divide the Collection Funds in MyMasjid system in page Collection Category.  You can add new collection category for each category. T...
Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 4:57 PM
For the Other payment contact, does AJK masjid need to key in the name of the supplier or the person that they will pay as mosque expenses in the system?
Answer :  Yes. When users want to record an expense transaction in the system, the user is required to select the contact name that they want to pay to....
Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 4:50 PM
In the QR code section, will the system auto generate QR Code when the user add new collection category?
Answer :   No, you need to click on the “Generate QR Code” button at the QR Codes page. The system will automatically generate the QR Code after you cli...
Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 4:52 PM
What is function for page Collection Category Activities?
Answer :  This is where you can record the activities done for each collection category. As an example, if you add "Tabung Anak-Anak Yatim"...
Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 4:55 PM
If mosques have many bank accounts, how do they want to record them in the system?
Answer :  You can add more bank accounts by going to the Configurations Menu in the sidebar menu, and then click Banks. Link Page Add New Banks : ht...
Fri, 15 Sep, 2023 at 4:55 PM